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Find your inner peace

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Meet Tabata Villares:

Tabata has been practicing yoga for 17 years and combines Yoga with Astrology. For the last 3 years, Tabata has been studying Feminine Shamanism, Sound Healing and Ayurveda. Currently, she is focusing her work on promoting her book on yoga for women and Ayurveda practices. Her passion is women's health and teaching yoga according to the lunar cycle. She has been running Sacred Women's Retreats at the Byron Yoga Retreat Center in Byron Bay-Australia and has also taught yoga teacher training classes since 2014.


In 2010, she embarked on an adventure of self-discovery, leaving Brazil for Findhorn, Scotland. She then moved to Totnes, UK, for a Masters and learned more about yoga, meditation and astrology, also traveling to various spiritual and sustainable communities on different continents.


Back in Brazil in 2013, Tabata lived in a Tantric Ashram, studying Biopsychology, Yoga and Tantra. From that moment on, your teacherHer yoga journey began to develop and she found her personal teaching style – the combination of her passions: Yoga and Astrology.

Tabata also offers rites of passage for women from menarche to menopause creating a personalized ceremony using profound transformative experiences. 


In 2023 Tabata started a project of conversations in schools about menarche and puberty. A project that aims to raise awareness and a harmonious transition of this very special moment in a woman's life.


Writer of the book: Resplendence to Flourish – Yoga and Ayurveda for Women's Health 

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Yoga retreats for women

Since 2014, Tabata has been offering Sacred Yoga Retreats for women. 


Tabata has played an inspiring role as a facilitator and mentor of yoga retreats for women in Byron Bay, Australia, since 2015. Her retros are carefully designed to encompass all stages of a woman's life. Within this haven of serenity, she offers yoga classes meticulously planned to harmonize hormones, a satvic food menu that nourishes the body and soul, meditation sessions to cultivate inner peace, sacred rituals that connect participants with their spirituality, sound healing to align energies, and detachment ceremony to release what no longer serves, cocoa ceremony and ancestral shamanic practices. Additionally, Tabata incorporates astrology and moon phases to further deepen its participants' spiritual and self-care experience. Each retreat is centered around a season of the year, which means that with each new edition, Tabata introduces elements and details that make the experience truly unique and transformative. 

Burst into Bloom –
Yoga and Ayurveda for women's health

The book provides a beautiful overview of Yoga and Ayurveda, and the interconnection between these disciplines and the women's cycle. Includes Tabata's experiences and her path of serving women on the journey to go beyond what we reflect in the mirror to find our purpose in life and the inner realization of happiness and bliss. 


Includes incredibly empowering topics such as women's cycle, hormones, fertility, pregnancy, early pregnancy loss and menopause. 

To purchase the book in Portuguese, please contact us via email.


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Yoga, Ayurveda and well-being.


I received the retreat as a birthday gift from a friend! An experience I will never forget! I connected with other women in a profound way! I learned about myself and immersed myself in the universe of the happy sacred feminine! 

I recommend the experience! 

Very grateful!



In addition to doing the Yoga diploma with BYC, I participated in the yoga retreat for women! I love this theme of the sacred feminine and devour books and books about it! It was great to experience what I read in the books in practice! It made me think about the rites of passage I had in my life. I felt inspired to delve into the topic of Perimenopause/Menopause and prepare myself for this beautiful phase that I am about to experience. The retreat also helped me go through the menarche ritual with my daughters who have just turned into two beautiful women.

The retreat was very enriching. I thank Tabata and BYC for all the knowledge transmitted.  Namaste.




It was a gift that I received to participate in the Yoga Retreat for women with Tabata at the Byron Yoga Retreat Centre! On the first day I felt the importance of being a woman and feeling sisterhood on different levels. During the retreat I reflected on my experiences as a woman and how I can help my daughters when they reach their menarche rite of passage.

The retreat was fantastic! I gave myself over to the experience completely! I learned a lot! 

I recommend the experience to all women! Gratitude namaste 




The retreat changed my life. It was the starting point for a very positive transformation in my life. Special days, illuminated and with incredible professionals. Thank you Tabata!




“Our lives are shaped by our minds, for we become what we think.”

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